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๐Ÿ”’ Authentication

A Discord Activity wouldn't feel complete without authenticating users. This allows you to provide a more personalized experience, such as showing your users' usernames, avatars, and more.

Lucky for us, Discord's Embedded App SDK simplifies the process.

Prompt Users to Authenticateโ€‹

Most of our templates and Create Robo starters come with a built-in authentication system via <DiscordContextProvider>. This component abstracts the authentication process, so you don't have to worry about the small details.

import { DiscordContextProvider } from '../hooks/useDiscordSdk'
import { Activity } from './Activity'
import './App.css'

export default function App() {
return (
<DiscordContextProvider authenticate scope={['identify', 'guilds']}>
<Activity />

Setting authenticate to true will prompt users to authenticate with Discord when they open your activity. You can adjust the scope array to request additional permissions.

The React Hookโ€‹

Once authenticated, you can access the user's information using the useDiscordSdk hook.

import { useDiscordSdk } from '../hooks/useDiscordSdk'

export function Profile() {
const { accessToken, authenticated, discordSdk, error, session, status } = useDiscordSdk()

// ...

The object returned from useDiscordSdk includes:

  • accessToken: The user's access token. (string)
  • authenticated: Whether the user is authenticated. (boolean)
  • discordSdk: The Discord SDK instance. (DiscordSDK)
  • error: Any errors that occurred during authentication. (Error)
  • session: The user's session information. (DiscordSession)
  • status: The status will be authenticating during the prompt. (string)

You can use the session object to access the user's information, such as their username, avatar, and more.

const avatarUri = `${}/${session.avatar}.png?size=256`

Loading Stateโ€‹

For convenience, <DiscordContextProvider> accepts a loadingScreen prop. This component will be displayed while the user is authenticating.

<DiscordContextProvider loadingScreen={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<Activity />

Vanilla projectsโ€‹

If you're not using a template based on React, you can still authenticate users using the Embedded App SDK directly.